Joshua Rush Shares The First Ever Pic He Took on the 'Andi Mack' Set

Joshua Rush Shares The First Ever Pic He Took on the 'Andi Mack' Set

Joshua Rush saved the first pic he ever took on the set and shared it at the last possible moment, ahead of Andi Mack‘s series finale.

“This photo was taken on January 27, 2016. It came at the kickoff of 1,276 of the greatest days of my life,” the 17-year-old actor wrote in the caption. “It feels unreal—four years of my life, the most amazing cast and friends for life I made, the appallingly talented crew, the ridiculously devoted and ever-excited fans, how can I thank you all enough?”

The pic features Josh with co-stars Asher Angel and Peyton Elizabeth Lee.

He continued, “It has been the crowning joy of my life to work on this project, and then another joy to experience you all watching the show. I talk about it in interviews all the time, but every fanfic, fan art, excited tweet, instagram post, tumblr theory…amazing.”

“Whether or not you picked up our show at the beginning or end of it’s run, no matter how you watched it, enjoyed it, and theorized it, and how you spent your time on social media around it (or chose not to!) I want to thank you personally, from the bottom of my heart, for your celebration of what our show stood for: love, care, understanding, acceptance.

“At it’s core, Andi Mack was a show about love. Our show said that no matter who you are or where you’re from, what your sexual orientation is, your family situation is, who your friends are, and so much more, you are loved.

Josh adds, “To everyone who felt loved by our show, found love through our show, or just felt seen or heard for the first time through the show, you are loved. Thank you for your love. Thank you for letting us love you. Thank you for loving yourself. ❤️.”

We love you, Josh!

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Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: Andi Mack, Joshua Rush

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