Liza Koshy Opens Up About The Burnout Of Being A Youtube Creator: 'I Thought people Were Going To Hate Me'

Liza Koshy Opens Up About The Burnout Of Being A Youtube Creator: 'I Thought people Were Going To Hate Me'

Liza Koshy is dishing all about the new season of Liza on Demand and her experience of moving from being just a YouTube creator, to a lot more in her interview with Cosmopolitan.

The 23-year-old actress and creator revealed that prior to launching her show, she was feeling a burnout of being on YouTube.

“There was a point where I was like, I have to be this one person. I have to stay at the same pitch in my voice at all times,” Liza explained. “Otherwise, people are gonna think I fluctuate in my personality.”

She added, “I went into this spiraling dialogue, thinking people are going to hate me for doing something different. I read things online that weren’t the nicest things, I started being even more judgmental and not so nice in my head.”

You can check out Liza‘s full interview on

You can stream Liza on Demand now on Youtube.

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Photos: Ruben Chamorro
Posted to: Liza Koshy, Magazine

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