Nick Jonas Says Jonas Brothers Won't Break Up Again

Nick Jonas Says Jonas Brothers Won't Break Up Again

When the Jonas Brothers first broke up back in 2013, the entire world seemed to stop.

However, don’t be looking for that to happen again to Nick, Joe and Kevin.

Nick spoke with People earlier this week and revealed that a break up isn’t going to happen to the trio ever again.

“Once we reopened that door, there’s no closing it,” Nick shared. “Now we have a system in place with each other to kind of understand that the ‘break up’ word is not in our vocabulary anymore.”

He added that while they may go do different things now and again, but that’s not a break up in any way, shape or form.

“If we need to go and do different things and take time on our own, we can do that in a healthy way and not apply the pressure to continue to work that we did last time,” Nick explained.

We’re glad it won’t!

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Photos: WENN
Posted to: Joe Jonas, Jonas Brothers, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas

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