Kevin Quinn Reveals the Hardest Part of His First Arena Tour

Kevin Quinn Reveals the Hardest Part of His First Arena Tour

Kevin Quinn is in the middle of WinterJam tour and it sounds like it’s been an amazing experience!

The 22-year-old musician and actor gave JJJ an inside look at life on the road by sharing some behind-the-scenes photos as well as some insider info.

“It’s such a cool experience being on the road. The scope of WinterJam was beyond what I could’ve expected. I had known it was an arena show, and that the crowds would be massive, but what I didn’t expect was how crazy people would go over my set,” Kevin told JJJ.

While Kevin has gotten a great on-stage reception, he has faced some challenges on tour.

Kevin explained, “The most challenging point on tour was our first show. With a limited amount of rehearsal time, and lots of music and dancing to remember, we knew our very first night would prove the most difficult. Obviously at the beginning of an elaborate arena tour like WinterJam, the technicians and stage managers are getting used to the show as much as we are. I remember the first night in Jacksonville, we actually lost all of the music track in our ear monitors, so we were singing off of memory with a microphone delay ringing throughout the arena. I was really proud of our ability to bounce back, and my stage partner Brooke Deleary and I somehow pulled through. It was tough, but the show must go on!”

READ MORE: Listen to Kevin‘s latest single “Out of the Cold” now!

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Photos: Courtney Dellafiora
Posted to: Kevin Quinn

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