These 10 Celebrities Are Practicing Social Distancing With Their Pets

AJ Michalka

Alexander Ludwig

Brandon Flynn

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We can’t control much, But we have the ability to activate the small things we can. Social distancing is a great example of something that may feel very small but can save lives. When we place our ego on it, that’s when we fall into our anxieties and our fears… that’s ok. We should be aware of our anxieties and fears. We have the time To work through those, be with ourselves, figure out solutions, pause and build A relationship with life and our purpose. Our needs. Our desires. It’s time we don’t normally give ourselves or receive. It’s scary to be alone, it’s scary to be confused, it’s scary to not be in control… that’s life, I think. We are hearing so much in the media and through our communities; the reality is people are going to deal with difficulties, they will not be working and making an income, they will be far removed from Family and loved ones, they will get sick, they will struggle to feel a part of something, they will feel overwhelmed with not feeling needed, they will be scared of lack of information and ignorance, they will feel selfish… the world has faced difficulties before, people have asked these questions for centuries, we’ve moved through and made it out of the other side and the world has kept on. I don’t say this to minimize the situation. There are solutions and there is time to gather the information we need to make decisions based on these queries. How beautiful to think that maybe we will come Out of this feeling better about ourselves, that we may have given Earth a slight reset and have helped build her immune system, that we have maybe saved lives by taking time away from our normal manic mayhem, that we are getting to witness the world coming together for a greater good; something we take advantage of most days. I’m just trying to offer some peace, trying to stay informed and practical. The truth is, none of these are my original thoughts; I have been utilizing this time To reach out and listen and these are the worries and concerns of myself And others and our unified pondering on remaining calm And informed and active in a still state. Think, what can we do for our brains, our bodies, our spirit, and for someone else…

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