Trevor Moran Reveals He Could Have Died From His Recent Relapse

Trevor Moran Reveals He Could Have Died From His Recent Relapse

Trevor Moran is opening up about his current stay in rehab.

The 21-year-old singer and MTV No Filter star revealed last week that he relapsed on his alcohol addiction.

In a new YouTube video, Trevor shared that he is now two weeks sober, and that his relapse almost took his life.

“I mostly make videos like this to document my recovery with alcohol. I relapsed, badly. Very badly, to the point where if I stopped drinking, I could have had a seizure and died,” Trevor says in the video. “It was just me on the couch with a bottle again.”

“I’m in rehab again, and the last video I made, I didn’t know much about the rehab world I guess. Apparently all I did was go to detox,” he continued. “Detox is basically to make sure that I don’t have a seizure and die. They put you on medications, like anti-seizures and medicines that help with withdraws, and you’re there for like a week, and then they set you free. Like a little reset.”

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Posted to: Trevor Moran

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