Danger Force's Terrence Little Gardenhigh Shares Fun Fact About His Middle Name

Danger Force's Terrence Little Gardenhigh Shares Fun Fact About His Middle Name

Let’s get to know Terrence Little Gardenhigh!

The young actor is one of the four new kids for the upcoming series Danger Force on Nickelodeon.

Terrence plays Miles, who is the “twin brother to Mika, the other cool kid on the show. He is cool, laid back, free thinking, ‘been here before’ kind of soul. Miles trusts his instincts because he feels he is being guided by the universe,” he told J-14.

JJJ got to know Terrence with 10 Fun Facts, and one that we learned is that his middle name is not Little. That’s part of his last name.

Click inside for Terrence Little Gardenhigh’s fun facts to learn about his name and more…

  • I was first bit by the acting bug after participating in commercials for the Boys and Girls Club of Lacey, Washington. I loved it!
  • I started growing my locks because I wanted to have powers like NFL running back Marshawn Lynch. At the time, Lynch was playing with the Seattle Seahawks and nicknamed “Beast Mode.”
  • I was able to read at the age of 2.
  • I started a dance group at the Boys and Girls Club because I was the only boy brave enough to dance with a group of girls.
  • My favorite music artists are J Cole, Da Baby and Drake.
  • One of the most embarrassing things that has happened to me, once in public school, I forgot to wear my belt and my pants fell down during recess. The entire class saw. I was embarrassed, but I just pulled my pants up and acted like nothing happened.
  • My favorite sport is basketball. I try to play every day when I get home from work.
  • Favorite subject in school is Math because I catch on very quickly. Solving a math problem, especially triple and quadruple digits, is really satisfying to me and it feels really good.
  • I like to collect action figures. Preferably Mezco action figures and Amazing Yamaguchi. I like positioning them, and then taking pictures!
  • A lot of people confuse my name because they think “Little” is my middle name. My middle name is actually William and I was named after the doctor that helped deliver me. My last name is really ‘Little Gardenhigh‘!
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