Liam Payne Says One Direction Had a Code Word Game If They Didn't Want to Do Something

Liam Payne Says One Direction Had a Code Word Game If They Didn't Want to Do Something

Liam Payne is spilling on the game One Direction used to play when they didn’t want to do any more work.

The 26-year-old musician says that the guys – Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan – would use a code word when they didn’t want to do something and would all simultaneously fall to the floor.

“I remember that game,” Liam said while re-watching the “History” music video. “When we didn’t want to go somewhere, obviously we had so many things to do in a day and it was so boring at points, we’d have a code word and we’d all fall to the floor and lie there until everybody went away.”

He added, “I think that’s the best game we ever invented. Yes, those were some grown adults who ran a business once. I don’t know how this worked honestly! There was a number of code words…We’d do it in the middle of TV interviews! It’s like one of those games you have with your friends – if you don’t follow through, you’re the loser in the group so everyone would just do it. So bad! I don’t know how we were a success.”

Listen to all that Liam had to say about the game at 5:53…

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Posted to: Liam Payne, One Direction

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