'Sydney To The Max' Cast Are Showing Their Appreciation For Teachers!

'Sydney To The Max' Cast Are Showing Their Appreciation For Teachers!

The Sydney To The Max cast know the importance of teachers!

On tonight’s (April 10) new episode directed by Raven-Symone, Sydney throws a tribute for her favorite teacher Mrs. Harris (Melissa Peterman) in hopes to save her job. Meanwhile, back in the 90s, Max bonds with Mrs. Harris during a trip to an art museum.

JJJ got to chat with the cast – Ava Kolker, Christian J. Simon, Jackson Dollinger and Ruth Righi – about what they hope kids and families will take away from this episode.

“I hope kids and families will realize how much an influential teacher can change the path your life can take and you never know when the inspiration for your future will strike in a class. It’s important to be open to learning and to see what each moment in your education brings,” Ava explained.

Check out a clip from the episode and be sure to tune in at 8pm ET/PT on Disney Channel!

Click inside to see what the cast of Sydney To The Max had to say…

JJJ: What do you hope kids and families will take away from this episode?

Ruth Righi: “The main message that I hope people take away from this episode is to respect your teachers. So many teachers go above and beyond what is required to help each and every student and there are those special teachers that make a personal connection that you will always remember. It’s easy to take them for granted when you are with them all the time, but what teachers do every day is really inspiring. Another thing I hope people gather from this episode is the importance of telling the truth.”

Ava Kolker: “I hope kids and families will realize how much an influential teacher can change the path your life can take and you never know when the inspiration for your future will strike in a class. It’s important to be open to learning and to see what each moment in your education brings.”

Jackson Dollinger: “This episode is one of my favorites from season two. I’m so excited for viewers to see a deeper side of Max and I think this episode is special because it shows how important it is to support and appreciate our teachers. My past and present teachers have touched my life in ways they will never even realize. Teachers do so much to shape the kids of the future and now more than ever they are creatively adapting to fit the needs of their students during this unprecedented time.”

Christian J. Simon: “I hope everyone will take away that teachers like Mrs. Harris are passionate about their kids’ education and truly care for them. Mrs. Harris and teachers that I’ve had are so impactful because they know how to reach kids in a way that can bring out the best in them. A lot of what they do goes unnoticed until you are presented with times like we are experiencing now. That’s when we realize how much of a difference they make. This episode is so amazing because we see how Mrs. Harris is appreciated both in the present day and in the 90s.”

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