The Jonas Brothers' All-In Challenge Prize Is So Awesome!

The Jonas Brothers' All-In Challenge Prize Is So Awesome!

Every single Jonas Brothers fan will want to win the prize that they are offering up for the All-In Challenge!

Tons of stars are coming together for COVID-19 relief efforts and they’re all coming up with amazing experiences in hopes of raising a lot of money.

The three brothers – Nick, Joe, and Kevin – will fly to your hometown and visit your residence to host a BBQ. They’ll also work with you to give back to the charity of your choice!

The JoBros will spend two hours with the winner and up to 10 guests. Kevin will do the BBQing and Joe is going to do a DJ set. They said Nick will break dance for you!

100% of the money raised through this Game/Auction will go directly to Feeding America, Meals On Wheels, World Central Kitchen and No Kid Hungry.

You can enter to win right now at!

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