Skai Jackson Opens Up About Exposing Racists On Twitter

Skai Jackson Opens Up About Exposing Racists On Twitter

Skai Jackson is opening up about why she’s been exposing racists on Twitter.

The 18-year-old actress dished on using her platform to call people out.

“I would always just get DMs from my fans, because people know I’m an advocate for anti-bullying,” she told ET. “So I would always just look at my messages and see a bunch of my fans saying, ‘Look at what this person said to me, I don’t know how to deal with this.’”

“The more I saw it, it became 20 in a day, I was like, you know what? No! I’m gonna speak out about it, ’cause I think it’s really important. People go through these struggles every day in life, and for me, it’s kinda like my duty with the big platform that I have, to use it for good,” Skai added.

She also added that there is a point when she draws a line.

“I’m not exposing anything thats private — that’s one thing I won’t do,” Skai said. “Everything that is said is public information. You posted these videos, it’s out there to the public. A lot of people have been trying to get me to post their address and number and I’m like, no, no, no, no, no, that’s one thing I will not do. I’m only posting public information.”

“People can say whatever they want. But if you’re that bold to go on a public platform and say these things, please don’t get mad when someone addresses it,” she continued. “That’s simply what I’m doing. If you’re saying this to a hundred people, what’s the difference of a hundred people to a million people seeing it? You said what you said, and obviously you meant it, so… If you don’t want people to know, if you don’t want people to be mad, then you simply shouldn’t have made those videos and made those statements.”

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Posted to: Skai Jackson

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