Taylor Swift Voices Support for Juneteenth Being a National Holiday

Taylor Swift Voices Support for Juneteenth Being a National Holiday

Taylor Swift has been very vocal on social issues lately and she’s speaking out about the importance of Juneteenth.

If you didn’t know, Juneteenth marks the day that slaves in Texas found out they were free, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation had formally freed them.

The 30-year-old singer shared an article from The Root that included a video of the history of the holiday.

“Happy Juneteenth! I want to thank @TheRoot and @RhapsoDani for allowing me to post this video about the significance of today, June 19th, and why it should be celebrated as a National holiday,” Taylor tweeted right after the stroke of midnight on June 19.

Taylor continued, “Personally, I’ve made the decision to give all of my employees June 19th off in honor of Freedom Day from now on, and to continue to educate myself on the history that brought us to this present moment.”

“For my family, everything that has transpired recently gives us an opportunity to reflect, listen, and reprogram any part of our lives that hasn’t been loudly and ferociously anti-racist, and to never let privilege lie dormant when it could be used to stand up for what’s right,” she concluded.

Last week, Taylor spoke out against statues of racist historical figures and said that she doesn’t think that states should replace any of the ones torn down by protesters.

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Posted to: Black Lives Matter, Taylor Swift

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