Ally Brooke Celebrates 2 Years Since Signing Her Solo Record Deal

Ally Brooke Celebrates 2 Years Since Signing Her Solo Record Deal

Ally Brooke is celebrating something big!

The 26-year-old took to Instagram over the weekend to share that it’s been two years since she signed with her record label for her solo music.

“Today was June 20th, a very special day for me. The day I got signed to my label @latiumartists @atlanticrecords. June 20, 2018 is when I had my meeting in New York. This is the photo I took right afterwards. I was GLOWING as you can see,” Ally said.

“I posted this last year and have to post it again because this will always be one of my favorite photos. I’ll never forget that day, that feeling and what it took to get there,” she continued. “I can’t wait for y’all to read this story, and many others in my BOOK❤️ Look how far we’ve come guys, in only 2 years 😭 I say WE because we are a family, and are in this journey together. There is so much more ahead, too, you don’t even know!!!! Thank you to each and every person who has supported me in these past 2 years. I am so unbelievably grateful. I love you. GOD IS SO GOOD”

If you missed it, Ally recently shared the cover, title and release date for her upcoming memoir!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Ally Brooke

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