Bryce Hall & Josh Richards Launch New Energy Drink, Ani Energy

Bryce Hall & Josh Richards Launch New Energy Drink, Ani Energy

Bryce Hall and Josh Richards have teamed up for a new energy drink!

The TikTok stars are among a small group of people that have worked on bringing the new Ani Energy to life.

“So pumped to be able to share what we’ve been working on for so long with all of you! #AniAllDay For Monday mornings, and Friday nights,” Josh wrote on Instagram. Be sure to pre-order yours HERE!

“We wanted an awesome taste and a simple formulation for energy and focus – not one that would carpet bomb our brains with caffeine and other additives,” the Ani Energy website reads. “We spent months tasting and refining different versions of the product with that in mind. The formula we chose tastes amazing and works perfectly. We’re excited to finally release it to our friends!”

This isn’t the only exciting thing that Josh has going on. He recently signed a recording contract with Talent X/Warner Records.

Josh, along with Noah Beck and Griffin Johnson, has also joined the new app Triller, and Josh has even signed on as an investor and chief strategy officer for the app. Noah and Griffin will serve as equity shareholders and advisors.

In case you missed them, check out the pics of Bryce out with Addison Rae earlier this week!

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