Brec Bassinger Shares Story After She Got Into a Car Accident This Weekend

Brec Bassinger Shares Story After She Got Into a Car Accident This Weekend

Brec Bassinger had a scary/crazy Sunday!

The 21-year-old actress was on her way to work when she got into a car accident, and shared the whole story.

“Story time- This morning I woke up to go to my first day of work in almost a year. I was so excited and was running 30 minutes early. BOOM. I got rear ended. My sweet Dylan came to pick me up. While we waited for the police report and my car to be towed… When we went to drive away, Dylan’s car battery died,” she wrote on Instagram.

“We were then stranded on the side of the 101 for almost two hours and KING @jakeaustinwalker came to save the day. Oh sad day, the jumper cables were too short and him being the king that he is went to go find longer ones until a lovely highway worker stopped and jumped dyl’s car for free and I was only four hours late to work 😀😀😀,” Brec added.

“Moral of the story, please PLEASE be mindful when you drive, tell everyone you love them- even at the end of an argument, don’t take a single second of life for granted, and Brec rocks a black eye,” she said. “Feeling blessed that no one was hurt. Thanking God for such an awakening experience…. I had to share because today has been such a humbling day. Xo”

See the pics below to check out her black eye, which she said, “my mom keeps saying I just got in a bad fight with a villain 😂”

We’re glad you’re okay, Brec!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Brec Bassinger

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