Max Ehrich Reveals Surprising Way He Learned that Demi Lovato Ended Their Engagement

Max Ehrich Reveals Surprising Way He Learned that Demi Lovato Ended Their Engagement

It sounds like Max Ehrich found out that Demi Lovato ended their engagement at the same time as the rest of the world.

The 29-year-old actor claims that he found out about the breakup by seeing it in the tabloids.

Max took to his Instagram Stories on early Saturday morning (September 26) to share his side of the breakup.

“Imagine finding out to the status of your relationship through a tabloid… While your [sic] in the middle of filming a biopic movie about a Pastor in a Christian Church whose intention of the film is to help people,” Max wrote in a story post.

Max signed off by saying, “God bless,” with the dove emoji.

Sources have spoken out about what went wrong in the relationship and it seems that Demi realized that she didn’t trust Max and his intentions.

See the Instagram Stories that Max Ehrich posted in the gallery…

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Photos: Getty, Instagram
Posted to: Demi Lovato, Max Ehrich

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