Black Lightning's Upcoming 4th Season Will Be It's Last

Black Lightning's Upcoming 4th Season Will Be It's Last

Black Lightning is coming to an end.

It was just revealed that the CW series will be over after it’s upcoming fourth season, according to Variety.

“When we first started the Black Lighting journey, I knew that Jefferson Pierce and his family of powerful Black Women would be a unique addition to the super hero genre,” series creator Salim Akil said in a statement. “The love that Blerds and all comic book fans around the globe have shown this series over the past three seasons proved what we imagined, Black People Want To See Themselves in all their complexities.”

“Thank you to the phenomenal cast, writers and crew without whom none of this would’ve been possible,” he added. “I’m incredibly proud of the work we’ve been able to do and the moments we’ve been able to create in bringing DC’s first African-American family of super heroes to life for the culture. I’m very grateful to Peter Roth, Warner Bros. TV, Mark Pedowitz, The CW Network and Greg Berlanti for their partnership and support of my vision at every step of this journey. While Season Four may be the end of one journey, I’m extremely excited to usher in a new chapter and continued collaboration with The CW as we tell the story of Painkiller.”

If you missed it, it was recently announced that a spinoff of Black Lightning is in the works, called Painkiller, and it looks like that will be moving forward, despite Black Lightning ending.

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