Jonas Brothers Performing Virtual Concert TONIGHT - How To Watch!

Jonas Brothers Performing Virtual Concert TONIGHT - How To Watch!

Many fans may have forgotten, but the Jonas Brothers are holding a virtual concert TONIGHT (December 3)!

The guys – Nick, Joe and Kevin – seemingly pre-recorded a full concert a couple of months ago, and are airing it online, for free.

Jonas Brothers teamed up with Lenovo for the virtual set, and even enlisted fans to get involved by helping create new merch, concert posters and more.

“We always say this but we truly have the best fans and we’ve been looking out for opportunities to get them creatively involved,” they told Billboard back in October. “The Lenovo partnership is a way for us to work with them on a new level, as they will have direct input into an upcoming immersive experience — from helping design merchandise to curating our setlist. With artist’s tours currently on hold, we are looking forward to getting back together to perform and providing a little extra happiness during the holiday season.”

A lot of fans completely forgot about the concert event because the Jonas Brothers have barely promoted it, but JJJ is here with a reminder!

TUNE IN to the Jonas BrothersYouTube channel at 7pm ET for their concert event, and see some behind-the-scenes videos below…

Behind the Jonas Brothers Virtual Performance: Yoga-In-Creativity

Behind the Jonas Brothers Virtual Performance: Yoga-In-Action
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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Joe Jonas, Jonas Brothers, Kevin Jonas, Music, Nick Jonas

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