Tyler Hoechlin Gets New Suit For First Season of 'Superman & Lois'!

Tyler Hoechlin Gets New Suit For First Season of 'Superman & Lois'!

Superman’s suit just got an upgrade!

Warner Bros and The CW just unveiled Tyler Hoechlin‘s new supersuit for the upcoming series Superman & Lois.

“I find that the new suit is representative of the show. Just as this suit is unique and set apart from the ones that preceded it, the story we’re telling about Clark/Superman at this point in his life is unique and something we’ve never seen before,” Tyler said in a statement.

“I appreciate the opportunity to wear the suit and the responsibility that comes with it. But it’s always interesting when I’m asked how I feel about ‘my new suit,’ because I’ve always felt that the suit doesn’t belong to me; it belongs to everyone that finds some kind of meaning in that suit, in the symbol on the chest. I just happen to be the one wearing it,” he continued.

“I come from the world of baseball and a line of coaches that always preached that the name on the front of the jersey is more important than the one on the back,” Tyler shared. “Because when you wear that jersey, it represents not only you, but your entire team, and everyone that has ever worn that jersey that came before you. So when I wear the suit, that’s what it means to me. It represents everything that Superman stands for and has stood for, for almost a century now. And I look forward to carrying on that tradition.”

The new suit was designed by Laura Jean Shannon, and it was built by her L.A.–based Supersuits team in conjunction with Creative Character Engineering.

“We got Superman into some custom athletic inspired Super-Boots as a ‘jumping off point’ and focused on a new neckline and cape to maximize the billowing and movement we all love to see in the books and films that have defined this character for generations,” she said of the suit. “A streamlined muscle structure and updated paint job combined with some dynamic design lines and a sculpted armored belt all took his established custom fabric into a new direction to solidify the new look for Superman in Superman & Lois.”

Check out a full look at the suit below!

Superman & Lois premieres on Tuesday, February 23rd after the season premiere of The Flash.

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Photos: Nino Muñoz/The CW
Posted to: Superman & Lois, Tyler Hoechlin

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