Javicia Leslie Joins 'Batwoman' Co-Stars In New Season 2 Premiere Images!

Javicia Leslie Joins 'Batwoman' Co-Stars In New Season 2 Premiere Images!

Javicia Leslie dons Kate Kane’s Batsuit in this new image from the upcoming season two premiere of Batwoman!

The 33-year-old actress of course stars as new character Ryan Wilder, who takes over as the superhero.

In the season premiere, “What Happened to Kate Kane?”, “Ryan Wilder, a homeless martial arts expert, stumbles upon the Batsuit after original Batwoman . After years of feeling powerless within Gotham City’s corrupt system, she views the cowl as a way to regain her power so she takes it out for a spin,” according to EW.

The new images also feature Meagan Tandy (Sophie Moore), Dougray Scott (Jacob Kane), Nicole Kang (Mary Hamilton), Camrus Johnson (Luke Fox), Warren Christie (Bruce Wayne/Tommy Elliott) and Rachel Skarsten (Alice).

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the recently released trailer for season two, which premieres on Sunday, January 17th on The CW.

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