Hailey Bieber Says She 'Felt A Lot More Freedom' After Realizing This

Hailey Bieber Says She 'Felt A Lot More Freedom' After Realizing This

Hailey Bieber is talking social media and the affects it has had on her.

The 24-year-old model recently opened up about learning to accept that she can’t be loved by everyone online.

“The biggest thing for me with social media was the battle of…for a while strangers made me feel like I had to explain myself, when the reality is, I don’t owe them anything,” she said on the Women’s Health UK podcast, Going for Goal.

“It took me a while to get there and understand that, because I’m kind of a perfectionist and I don’t want people to hate me or be mad at me,” Hailey continued. “I want to be like ‘Hey I’m actually not this person that you think I am’. I just realized that there’s people on the internet that, no matter what you say and do, they want to just hate you because they are not happy with themselves… The more I’ve been able to break that down with a therapist [and] the more I realize it has nothing to do with me, or my personal character, I felt a lot more freedom.”

Hailey also dished that she’s seen a therapist to help cope with the negativity.

“The way that I’ve dealt with a lot of the negative attention is… I’ve talked it a lot through with a therapist, and I do therapy consistently,” she said. “I’m also married to someone that’s been dealing with this a lot longer than I have, to an extremely, like the highest level it could possibly be. I think being able to share that world with somebody that understands it even better than I do has been so helpful.”

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Posted to: Hailey Bieber

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