Lilly Singh Opens Up About Being the Only Female Late Night Host

Lilly Singh Opens Up About Being the Only Female Late Night Host

Lilly Singh is dishing on being the only female host of a daily late night show.

The 32-year-old host of A Little Late With Lilly Singh went on the Drew Barrymore Show and opened up about her historic feat.

“It’s exciting and humbling because obviously it’s a huge honor to be the first or only anything but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t come with a lot of pressure, a lot of critique, a lot of trying to meet people’s expectations,” Lilly said. “Really it’s just the journey of me learning how to be my authentic self, doing what I think serves me and my audience best and learning a whole new world. It’s a lot of everything, personally and professionally to be honest.”

Lilly also shared about her creative process and taking notes from others about her show.

“You know what for me it’s really important to take the reins of my creative because I do know I am a minority on screen, I have a very specific point of view and very specific voice and I want to make sure that comes through,” she said.

“However I have to balance that with being open to feedback and criticism. Especially, you know, I talk really fast, NBC comes to me and says slow down a little bit I need to not be a sensitive artist and go ‘Okay, that’s a good note,’” Lilly added. “It’s finding a balance between voice and being open to collaboration.”

You can catch Lilly on A Little Late with Lilly Singh weeknights at 1:35am ET/PT on NBC.

Lilly Singh on ‘Drew’
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