Justice Smith Stars In the Trailer For New Show 'Genera+ion' - Watch Now!

Justice Smith Stars In the Trailer For New Show 'Genera+ion' - Watch Now!

Justice Smith is starring in the new HBO Max series Genera+ion!

The 25-year-old plays Chester in the show, which follows a diverse group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservative community.

“ur new favorite show is gay af,” Justice wrote on Instagram, along with the trailer.

Also starring in the new show are Nathanya Alexander, Chloe East, Nava Mau, Lukita Maxwell, Haley Sanchez, Uly Schlesinger, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett and Chase Sui Wonders and Martha Plimpton.

Recurring guest stars include J. August Richards, Mary Birdsong, Alicia Coppola, Patricia De Leon, Diego Josef, Anthony Kevyan, Sydney Mae Diaz, John Ross Bowie, Marwan Salama, Marisela Zumbado and Sam Trammell.

The first three episodes will debut on March 11th, the next two on March 18th, two on March 25th and one more on April 1st. Eight more episodes will comprise the second half of the season, premiere later this year.

If you missed it, it was recently announced that Justice has joined the cast of an upcoming “Dungeons & Dragons” movie!

‘Genera+ion’ Trailer

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