Jennette McCurdy Crushes Hopes of an 'iCarly' Return, Confirms She Quit Acting

Jennette McCurdy Crushes Hopes of an 'iCarly' Return, Confirms She Quit Acting

Looks like we won’t be seeing Sam Puckett on the upcoming iCarly revival at all!

Jennette McCurdy has confirmed on a recent episode of her podcast, Empty Inside, that she quit acting a few years ago.

“I quit a few years ago to try my hand and writing and directing—it’s going great,” the 28-year-old said. “I quit a few years ago because I initially didn’t want to do it. My mom put me in it when I was 6 and by sort of age, I guess, 10 or 11, I was the main financial support for my family. My family didn’t have a lot of money, and this was the way out, which I actually think was helpful in driving me to some degree of success.”

“My experience with acting is, I’m so ashamed of the parts I’ve done in the past,” the former iCarly star added. “I resent my career in a lot of ways. I feel so unfulfilled by the roles that I played and felt like it was the most cheesy, embarrassing. I did the shows that I was on from like 13 to 21, and by 15, I was already embarrassed. My friends at 15, they’re not like, ‘Oh, cool, you’re on this Nickelodeon show.’ It was embarrassing. And I imagine there’s a very different experience to be had with acting if you’re proud of your roles, and if you feel fulfilled by them.”

She did however say that if the right opportunity came along, she would consider acting again. “I feel like I have a point of view, and I have a vision. We’ll see where things are in a few years,” she said.

Fans were hoping that Jennette would return for the upcoming iCarly revival at Paramount+, but she wasn’t announced alongside co-stars Miranda Cosgrove, Nathan Kress and Jerry Trainor. A producer of the reboot did say that they reached out to her and the door is open for her to reprise her fan-favorite role.

You can catch old episodes of iCarly on Netflix, as well as on Paramount+ when it launches this week!

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Posted to: iCarly, Jennette McCurdy

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