Joe Jonas Opens Up About Investing In New Superfood Brand Mindright

Joe Jonas Opens Up About Investing In New Superfood Brand Mindright

Joe Jonas has become an investor in the startup Mindright!

The 31-year-old musician and actor has been posting about the superfood bars on social media and now he’s opening up about becoming a part of the team.

“It’s not just a bar,” he told Forbes. “It’s what comes with the bar—this mental health aspect, that’s something that really hit home for me and my wife.”

“I don’t know if you’ll see me on Shark Tank just yet, but I do enjoy it,” he added. “If it makes sense and feels right, then I’m happy to be part of something I’m passionate about. With Mindright, it was like, ‘I can’t wait to show this stuff off.’”

Mindright, which was co-founded by Ridiculousness host Rob Dyrdek, is the “world’s first Good Mood focused nutritional platform. Carefully selecting ingredients to help reduce stress, enhance your mood, and get you back to your happy place.”

Joe shared about the mental health aspect, “Mental health is such a priority for me: It affects everything—from how you handle stress, relate to others and just the choices you make. And as I got a little older, I wanted to do my part.”

Joe is currently in Georgia filming the upcoming war movie Devotion.

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Photos: Twitter: @joejonas
Posted to: Food, Joe Jonas

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