Demi Lovato Talks Surviving the 27 Club

Demi Lovato Talks Surviving the 27 Club

Demi Lovato is speaking out about making it past her 27th birthday.

The entertainer will be turning 29 later this year, and in a new interview that aired before her docu-series premiere, she opened up about surviving the “27 Club.”

“Sometimes I still deal with like survivor’s guilt. There’s a lot of musicians that just don’t make it and I was very close to being one of them,” Demi said. “So at certain times after my overdose, where I have said something wrong or gotten attacked or whatever, and people come after me and say, ‘Oh, well I wish it would have been you instead of so and so,’ like that really affects me.”

“It got into my head so much so that I kind of started believing it for a while, and I think that’s why I ended up, you know, slipping, which I talk about,” she continued. “And I think it’s embracing what I went through as a giant lesson for me. I will continued to live every day at my fullest potential because aside from some of the musicians and entertainers that haven’t made it, I think about my friends that haven’t made it.”

“Say I’m having a bad day today, I’m like, ‘You know, I’m having a really bad day today, and so and so is not here to have a bad day,’ so I’m going to either try to flip this bad day around or just like embrace it for what it is as a bad day,” Demi said. “Then use people for support. You know, call up my therapist. You know, it’s taught me a lot. I had to change my way of thinking, from survivor’s guilt to this was a lesson, and live your life to the fullest now.”

If you didn’t know, the “27 Club” refers to a group of popular entertainers, including musicians and actors, who have died at the age of 27 due to drug or alcohol abuse, or violent means, such as suicide, homicide or by a car-related accident.

Stars who have died at 27 include Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Anton Yelchin and more.

Demi Lovato: Dancing With the Devil | Live Premiere

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