Justin Bieber Wrote The Hook to This Song While at the Studio With Shawn Mendes

Justin Bieber Wrote The Hook to This Song While at the Studio With Shawn Mendes

Justin Bieber is opening up about his new album Justice!

The 27-year-old singer shared that he actually wrote the hook to “Peaches” while he was in the studio with Shawn Mendes and producer Andrew Watts.

“It is a really cool story. What happened was I had written this little hook idea at Andrew Watts‘ house, who is a friend of mine, and Shawn Mendes was actually there and we were just all hanging and talking and making music,” Justin told Radio.com. “I just came up with this little vibe, and so I played it on the piano, I put it on this little, you know, I came up with these words…”

“Then later on I posted a snippet on my Instagram and then one of my producer friends turned it into an actual song, and I was like this is crazy,” he continued. “We recorded my vocals and the rest is kind of history.”

“Just being able to enjoy this process has been everything for me because I’ve looked back at different album cycles and things that I was just not seeing everything for what it really was, and I was just distracted and hurting and I couldn’t experience joy because I was experiencing so much pain,” Justin added about enjoying making this album.

Justin Bieber – Peaches ft. Daniel Caesar, Giveon

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