Demi Lovato Apologizes, Says She's Willing To Work With The Froyo Shop

Demi Lovato Apologizes, Says She's Willing To Work With The Froyo Shop

Demi Lovato has gone live on Instagram and apologized for how this weekend has turned out.

The 28-year-old singer says that she wasn’t trying to bring down the small business, and is willing to work with them to help get the messaging across the right way.

Click inside to see what she said…

“I am very outspoken about the things that I believe in. I understand that sometimes my messaging can lose it’s meaning when I get emotional,” she says. “I am somebody who is just very passionate about what I believe in and I’ve lived through enough to know when to speak up for people who don’t have a voice.”

Demi mentioned that going into the yogurt shop was hard for her, as someone who is recovering from an eating disorder, and that the signs and labels of different products weren’t clear to her as to what they were for. If you missed it, the yogurt shop has said that they “carry items for Diabetics, Celiac disease, Vegan and of course have many indulgent items as well.”

“Because it wasn’t clear, I definitely jumped to conclusions and probably shouldn’t have gone about this the way that I have,” she said. “I’m willing to talk to this froyo shop to help get this messaging right… I’m human and I talk about my struggles. I’m passionate, so I’m sorry that I got the messaging wrong. I’m sorry that I may have disappointed some people.”

“I’m not coming after a small business as someone with a lot of followers. That’s not what I’m doing here. I walked into a situation that didn’t sit right with me, my intuition said speak up about this, so I did,” Demi continued. “And I feel good about that. What I don’t feel good about, is some of the way that it’s been interpreted and how the message has gotten misconstrued over all of it. I will do whatever I can to work with this froyo shop if they want to, to help align the messaging.”

“I’m genuinely sorry that people took it the wrong way. I just get really passionate.”

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Demi Lovato

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