Willow Smith Comes Out As Being Polyamorous & Opens Up About Relationships

Willow Smith Comes Out As Being Polyamorous & Opens Up About Relationships

Willow Smith is opening up about her relationships and reveals that she is polyamorous!

The 20-year-old singer came out as practicing polyamory on the new episode of Red Table Talk.

If you didn’t know, polyamory is the “the practice or condition of participating simultaneously in more than one serious romantic or sexual relationship with the knowledge and consent of all partners,” according to Dictionary.com.

Click inside to find out what Willow Smith said…

“With polyamory, I feel like the main foundation is the freedom to be able to create a relationship style that works for you and not just stepping into monogamy because that’s what everyone around you says is the right thing to do,” she shared. “So I was like, how can I structure the way that I approach relationships with that in mind? Also, doing research into polyamory, the main reasons why monogamous relationships– or why marriage– why divorces happen is infidelity.”

When her grandma said, “For somebody like me, it feels like it’s really all just centered around sex,” Willow shared that out of her friend group, she has the least amount of sex.

“I mean, I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you haven’t always been the kind of person that wanted to have sex all the time. But your partner is. Are you gonna be the person to say, you know, ‘Just because I don’t have these needs, you can’t have them either?’ And so that’s kind of one of the reasons why I actually was interested in poly because I was introduced to it through kind of a nonsexual lens. In my friend group, I’m the only polyamorous person, and I have the least sex out of all of my friends,” she said.

Willow also added how many partners she would have, and if she would ever get married.

“Wow, I honestly couldn’t see myself going past two outside of myself,” she said.

“The history of marriage really irks me. Just the history of marriage as a whole and what it has represented over the years, for women in particular,” Willow added. “I feel like the only way that I would get married is– let’s say me and my partner or partners wants to help people, and we need to put our finances together in order to make that vision happen. That’s the only way I could see myself getting married.”

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Posted to: Willow Smith

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