Billie Eilish Wishes She Could Share More About Herself With Fans

Billie Eilish Wishes She Could Share More About Herself With Fans

Billie Eilish is getting candid in a new interview!

The 19-year-old “Your Power” singer opened up about people’s perception of her, speculation on her music and wishing she could share more, among many other things.

“I wish that I could tell the fans everything I think and feel and it wouldn’t live on the internet forever. And be spoken about and called problematic, or called whatever the f–k anybody wants to call any thoughts that a human has,” Billie told Rolling Stone. “The other sad thing is that they don’t actually know me. And I don’t really know them, but obviously we’re connected. The problem is you feel like you know somebody, but you don’t. And then it’s like, yeah. It’s just a lot.”

See more quotes from Billie below…

On people’s perception of her: “What do they think when they think that? Do they think what the internet thinks, which is whispering or whatever the f–k people say? Anytime I see an impression on the internet, it just reminds me how little the internet knows about me. Like, I really don’t share s–t. I have such a loud personality that makes people feel like they know everything about me and they literally don’t at all…that I can sing. That I’m a woman. That I have a personality.”

On making her album When We All Fall, Asleep Where Do We Go?: “I hated every second of it… I hated writing. I hated recording. I literally hated it. I would’ve done anything else. I remember thinking there’s no way I’m making another album after this. Absolutely not.”

On speculation about ‘Your Power’ being about ex Brandon Adams, featured in The World’s a Little Blurry: “Everybody needs to shut up. [The documentary] was a microscopic, tiny, tiny little bit of that relationship. Nobody knows about any of that, at all. I just wish people could just stop and see things and not have to say things all the time.”

On her upcoming album Happier Than Ever: “I don’t know how to explain this, but all the songs on the album feel like a specific time, because they feel like when I wrote them and made them… It’s so funny that to the rest of the world it’s going to feel like a certain moment for them, and it’s going to be so different than mine. That’s such a weird, weird thing to wrap my head around. And I will f–king love it. I love it. That’s the reason you do this. It’s for that.”

For more from Billie Eilish, head over to!

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Posted to: Billie Eilish

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