David Archuleta Opens Up About Coming Out: 'There's So Much Relief'

David Archuleta Opens Up About Coming Out: 'There's So Much Relief'

David Archuleta is opening up about his coming out journey!

The 30-year-old singer shared in a new interview that coming out brought a lot of relief, but admits he tried to pray the thoughts away.

“I think I was a lot more scared before,” he said on Good Morning America. “Because I always felt there was something that I had to keep to myself. There’s so much relief to not feel like you have to hide a part of yourself, like a secret.”

“I was praying like, ‘God, you can do all things. You are a God of miracles. And I know you’ve allowed the blind to see and he rose the dead to rise again. And I thought, you know, if I do everything I’m supposed to, maybe he can change me as well,” David shared. “So I would say, ‘Please take these feelings away from me because I don’t want to. I don’t want to feel things I shouldn’t. I don’t want to feel things that would be wrong.”

“So that’s been the process I’ve had to learn how to love myself, even when I don’t understand why I’m the way I am but to learn that’s how God has created me,” he added. “And I have to discover that, and there’s so many millions of other people who’ve gone through the same thing as me where they’ve tried to change who they are.”

David, who is a devout Mormon, is still remaining close to his faith, and hopes that by sharing his story, he can help others.

He also said that he shared his truth with leaders in the church and hasn’t felt rejected.

As for how he identifies, like in his Instagram post, David says he is somewhere on the bisexual spectrum, as he still has feelings for both men and women.

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Posted to: David Archuleta

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