Millie Bobby Brown's Reps Say TikToker Hunter Ecimovic’s Relationship Remarks Are 'Dishonest'

Millie Bobby Brown's Reps Say TikToker Hunter Ecimovic’s Relationship Remarks Are 'Dishonest'

Millie Bobby Brown‘s reps are speaking out in response to claims from TikToker Hunter “Echo” Ecimovic.

The now 21-year-old TikTok star shared some things about allegedly dating the now 17-year-old Stranger Things actress.

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Now, after his remarks have gone viral, Millie‘s representatives have released a statement in response to his claims.

Mr. Ecimovic’s remarks on social media are not only dishonest, but also are irresponsible, offensive and hateful,” her reps said in a statement to JJJ. “Instead of engaging in a public discourse with him through the press or on social media, we are taking action to ensure that he stops this behavior once and for all.”

To catch you up on the situation, Hunter revealed in a tweet that the two met when she was 15 and he was 18, had a romantic relationship and alleged that they lived together for eight months.

For more on the situation, head over to

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Photos: Getty, TikTok
Posted to: Hunter Ecimovic, Millie Bobby Brown, TikTok

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