Liam Payne Hints at One Direction 10-Year Anniversary Celebration

Liam Payne Hints at One Direction 10-Year Anniversary Celebration

It sounds like we MIGHT need to prepare ourselves for a One Direction reunion…

Earlier this week, Liam Payne hinted that the guys have something in store for the band’s upcoming 10-year anniversary and fans have been freaking out.

“We’ve got a ten-year anniversary coming up so we’ve all been speaking together a lot over the last few weeks which has been really nice. To hear a lot of people’s voices and seeing old content and different things that we haven’t seen for a long time or never seen before, it’s very interesting,” Liam told The Sun.

He continued, “At the moment I’m not sure what I’m allowed to say. There’s a number of different things that we are all working on to try and make happen and people are forwarding emails around. But more than anything it’s just been a real good time for us to connect together again.”

One Direction‘s 10-year anniversary takes place on July 23rd.

We’re so glad 1D is talking again and have our fingers crossed for something big!

READ MORE: Find out about One Direction‘s secret code word game they played during interviews

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