Lucy Hale & 'Pretty Little Liars' Co-Stars Celebrate The Show's 10 Year Anniversary

Lucy Hale & 'Pretty Little Liars' Co-Stars Celebrate The Show's 10 Year Anniversary

Lucy Hale wears pink and purple floral leggings while going for a walk on Sunday (June 7) in Los Angeles.

The 30-year-old Katy Keene star took her cute pup Elvis for a walk, before heading out to protest later in the day.

“20k+ strong! Today was beautiful. Honored to walk with all of you #blacklivesmatter,” Lucy captioned a video from the Black Lives Matter protest on Hollywood Boulevard.

The next day, Lucy and a few of her Pretty Little Liars co-stars, along with creator I Marlene King, celebrate 10 years since the series first premiered.

“HAPPY 10 YEARS OF PLL! This show changed my life. Eternally grateful and always proud of what we accomplished ❤️,” Lucy captioned a post.

“TEN YEARS AGO I love my PLL family 💜💜💜💜,” Ashley Benson shared on Instagram.

“Nothing would be the way it is right now for me, if this show hadn’t premiered a decade ago. I spent my entire 20s in Rosewood and I will be forever grateful for the last 10 years. #pllforever #pll,” Shay Mitchell wrote with her post.

“10 years! We will celebrate properly when the time is right for celebrating again. But for today, thank you to the little show that could for bringing us all together. And thank you @saracshepard for creating the world we all fell in love with. 💙,” Marlene said.

In case you missed the news, all seasons of Pretty Little Liars are now available to watch on HBO Max!

FYI: Lucy is wearing a Nikxie top and Ray-Ban sunglasses.

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